
Ideal Driveway Solutions for New England

Paver Driveways with Permeable Options

The use of permeable pavers in driveway construction is growing exponentially across the country, particularly in areas with water use restrictions or strict stormwater management guidelines. Not only do permeable paver driveways boost your curb appeal, they also positively impact the environment by decreasing stormwater runoff and improving the water quality of local waterways.

Permeable paver driveways are installed over a gradient bed of aggregate, with tiny aggregate filling the joints between each paver. As rainwater falls onto the pavers (or drains onto the pavers from another surface), the water percolates through the paver joints and down through the base materials below. The water is then filtered by the aggregates, removing several pollutants before the water makes its way into the groundwater supply or returns to local waterways.


Decrease Stormwater Runoff with a Permeable Driveway

Constructing permeable paver driveways can also provide a few other solutions for homeowners. For example, for steep driveways, permeable paver construction is safer during rainy weather conditions than traditional impervious surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt, because rain can permeate through pavers instead of pooling on the surface, thus improving traction.

In areas prone to heavy snow, a heating system can also be installed under the sand base of the pavers so that snow or icy rain immediately melts and drains away, eliminating snow shoveling or ice accumulation. The sand acts as a buffer between the pavers and the coils, preventing damage from any shifting caused by automotive traffic.


An Aesthetic Upgrade without Sacrificing Durability

Permeable paver driveways can provide a significant aesthetic upgrade over the standard poured concrete or asphalt driveway without sacrificing durability. We work with the homeowners to select paver options that blend to create a completely unique design. The look speaks for itself and you never have to worry about your driveway cracking due to shifting base materials that often occurs during seasonal weather patterns.

Four Seasons Landscape proudly offers our permeable paver driveway services in Hopkinton MA, Holliston MA, Uxbridge MA, Upton MA, Milford MA, Mendon MA, Hopedale MA, Bellingham MA, and other surrounding towns.

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Use the form below, or call us at (508) 657-1885 to schedule a free consultation today.